Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What is ethnography? Response

Ethnography focuses on the search for meaning and making sense of the human condition. They often study people in different ways to go beyond what’s on the outside and search for a deeper meaning.
While observing the user it is important to consider the cultural norms. In other words, what “makes sense” to the audience? Another thing to look for is the processes of how cultural activities let us design and convey message to people at the right points in their journey. Meaning surrounds everything we do. Ethnography helps uncover how the meanings around the world come about. Be sure to look for what is going on in physical space such as body language, posture, and interactions between people.

The overall steps within the ethnographic process focus on how to begin by defining the problem, and finishing with a defined opportunity. I found this very similar to the points given in the Design Moves. The steps within the design process are nearly identical in terms of how to begin, and how to finish.

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