Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Revised 5 stories with technological input

1) Anna enjoys recess

A watch that allows you to set checkpoints on a playground
By using a GPA tracker in the watch she can set check points and then run the course that she set up.

2) Anna goes to the pool with her mom (Nicole)

Light up pool balls that sync to each other and light up in different orders. The order in which they light up determines the order in which Anna grabs them from the pool.

3) Anna is bullied at recess and her mom did not know

A watch with audio capture that links to her mothers phone that way her mom can know when/how  she was getting bullied

4) Anna has trouble with reading

Glasses that can scan hard-to-pronounce words and then link the abbreviation and pronunciation to her phone/watch

5) Reading for Anna takes too long

A watch that sets a timer for reading time. If she finishes her reading before the timer goes off, she gets point. the more points she gets, she is reward with things such as TV time.

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